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"Rosie May Riot"
Rosie May Riot
  • Rosie May Riot
  • Rosie May Riot

Do Blondes Really Have More Fun ?

We don't know, but Rosie May Riot sure does !! And why not ! When Edinburgh mum Laura Winton was recovering from perinatal mental ill health, she knew she had to do something for herself, to help her find the person at the core of her being, outwith her daily routines as a mother with her baby and toddler.  And parents know how difficult that can be.

Anyone who has children knows only too well it's so easy for "another life" or "another role" to take over our personalities & purpose, but sometimes it takes a situation to drive us into finding our true path and change our destiny.


And Laura did just that... and she hasn't looked back since !

She is now a Model & Burlesque performer, calling her alter ego "Rosie May Riot" and had been performing all over Scotland, captivating audiences at Burlesque shows in Edinburgh, with Glasgow also having its equivalent.

We interviewed Laura to find out more...

Retro & Vintage Life Magazine

photo by Craig Steedman Photography

Q) You're a newcomer to the Burlesque scene in Scotland, what were you doing before and how did you end up being a perfomer ?


"I took a step into my first burlesque class just as I was beginning to emerge from the fog of postnatal anxiety - I had a baby and a toddler, and as I began to recover from the effects of perinatal mental ill health, I knew that I had to find something for ME. Something that could help reconnect me to the person I was before anxiety hit. 

In a funny - but ultimately serendipitous turn of events, the burlesque classes began at the same venue where I attended my perinatal mental health support group!  It was the next step for me. It was meant to be! "

Q) Were you familiar with the scene previously ?


"I'd loved burlesque for many years before I ever set foot in a class. I was a regular at Gutter Lane, which used to be held at the old Jekyll and Hyde pub in Edinburgh and those shows introduced me to so many different genres of burlesque. I got tickets for as many burlesque and cabaret shows as I could. I adored it, and was in awe of the performers, wishing I could do what they were doing but having no clue how to get there."

Q) What got you hooked, why do you do it?

"I was completely hooked from my first class and threw myself into more classes and workshops with a variety of performers on the scene. The more I learned, the more I loved it. I learnt what styles I preferred and what suited me and my personality.  I have always loved the comedy side of burlesque, interesting and unusual characters and acts that tell a story. This became exactly the type of burlesque that I perform.


Like most people I have body hangups and at times these have been pretty bad and I've felt ashamed of my body.  Burlesque has made me love my body and appreciate it. Every body is different. Being around strong, confident performers who embrace their bodies has been amazing for my own body positivity. I hope I can make other people feel this way about their beautiful bodies."

Q) Your Burlesque performer name is "Rosie May Riot", how did the name come about and is she a separate entity from Laura ?


"I got my name from the Foxboro Hot Tubs song "Ruby Room" - the lyrics go "Going down to the Ruby Room, I'm going to meet my doom by the name of Rosie May." I needed something else - a burlesque last name - Riot just came to me and well....I think it suits me! 

Rosie May Riot isn't a separate identity - just the wilder side of my personality, maybe."

Q) Have you thought about going into acting, or music performer ?


"I studied acting and performance for many years - as a child and again in my late teens/twenties.


I also played bass guitar in bands for years. And I've also written for the stage. I loved all of these, but nothing felt 100 percent right, something was missing....


Burlesque combines all of these things - acting, music, choreography. There is nothing missing!"

Retro & Vintage Life Magazine

Q) You go on lots of photo shoots, is that a service you offer for Photographers - It must be fab wearing a myriad of outfits ?


"I arranged a photo-shoot with a photographer friend of mine a couple of years ago as a "one off" to get some photos of one of my burlesque costumes. We turned up at an old Art Deco bar in Edinburgh and had the staff rearranging the furniture for us! It was so much fun that it became a bit more than a one off.  I love that I get to work with different photographers - it's been great for my confidence - I used to be quite shy! And I love planning shoots and seeing my ideas come to life (much like burlesque). I've been on top of a 1956 Lincoln Capri in my underwear, in a bath filled with plastic balls, I've been dressed as a cowgirl with my lasso as men worked in the nearby garage pretending not to notice! It's another creative outlet and I really enjoy it."

Q) Where do you perform in the Burlesque scene, just Scotland ?


"So far I've performed in Scotland, which has been Incredible. I performed in the Spiegeltent at last year's Fringe - a dream come true, plus various venues in Edinburgh and Glasgow where previously I'd been an audience member - proper "pinch myself" moments. This year I'm doing lots more Scottish dates and also London....then who knows where. I also perform in online shows which was a necessity during lockdown and has been invaluable in terms of learning experiences and it has given me the chance to perform in international shows and meet people that I might never have performed with otherwise. There are still lots of fantastic online shows running and I will continue to perform this way too." 

Retro & Vintage Life Magazine

Q) What's planned for 2022, new gigs, photo shoots, Calendars etc ?


"As well as performing more shows this year (my first live show this year will be Red Hot Kitty in Livingston in March) I'm also producing my second Riot Reveals show (I produced my first one last summer to raise money for Juno Perinatal Mental Health). I have more photoshoots planned including a few where I will stepping way out of my comfort zone! 


I am also running my first workshop at Glitterkiss Studio in the Spring. And I'm working on a new act. 


I sometimes look back on myself sitting in the audience at burlesque shows, dreaming of being on stage but not really knowing if I could do it.... Taking that first step can be daunting but it can also be life changing and absolutely worth it."

photo by Pylon Photo

Q) What advice would give to someone who experiences body shame or is not very confident this way and also those who think they might enjoy something, but too scared to make any attempt to try it (for themselves) ?


"I'd say go along to watch a burlesque show! You will see a variety of different bodies. It is quite a revelation when you see a performer with a similar body shape to your own and think that they look fabulous....and then the penny drops! Then I must look good too! For me, this was a great realisation. I was always a bit self conscious about not being very curvy - seeing other performers with similar body shapes gave me a big confidence boost and inspired me with what costumes suit my body shape."

Retro & Vintage Life Magazine
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