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Lifestyle Feature

Hola Irene Guerrero

  • Irene

From Espana to Escocia, we chat to vintage lifestyler Irene Guerrero, about her love & appreciation of vintage clothing, books, accessories and why she adores it all. 

Q) What was it about yesteryear which attracted you to it - is it an emotional connection or love of something ?

"I just have a love for old things in general and it amazes me to think how they have survived all these years, imagine the stories they could tell. I grew up without any grandparents, so although I'm missing that emotional connection many people have growing up, I still like to give things a second life and I often wonder who owned that particular thing before me and how their lives were at the time. I'm particularly interested in fashion, but I also collect old books and other old items."


Q) How long have you been a Vintage enthusiast ?

"Probably around five years or so, it all happened after I moved to Scotland. I've always loved the Pin up style, but where I come from (South of Spain), vintage is just not a thing. So I started experimenting with Pin up looks at first, but my style has been evolving along the years to a more authentic style. I move between 40s and 50s, but I like exploring earlier times too."

Retro & Vintage Life Magazine

Q) Is your career/lifestyle related to Vintage/Retro ?

"Sadly not my career, but the vintage style is very much a part of me now. I'd love to work in something vintage related though, so who knows what the future holds. In terms of lifestyle, I enjoy the commodities of the modern life, but most of my friends are vintage enthusiasts, so we often do vintage related things together like fairs, vintage shopping or just going out dressed in our favourite frocks."


Q) You have modeled for Vintage/Retro clothing stores etc (see Vintage Quine feature here), what is it about the clothes you enjoy wearing, is it the quality of the garments, the design aesthetics or something more personal ?

"I have modeled for Vintage Quine exclusively. I don't consider myself a model, but I've been a customer of Lisa (Vintage Quine) for many years and it has grown from taking a few casual pictures in the shop to professional photoshoots this last year, which have been a lot of fun. Vintage Quine is hands down my favourite vintage shop, it's like stepping back in time there. For me is how the garments suit my figure. I have always struggled with modern clothes and I was never happy in my own skin. Everything changed when I tried 40s-50s clothes, it was a revelation, there was nothing wrong with my body I just had been wearing the wrong styles all my life. The quality of true vintage garments is another reason to love them. Since starting sewing I also appreciate the way garments were constructed, it's very interesting."

Q) What era is your comfort zone - if you could go back, what year and why ?

"I move between 40s and 50s, mostly 40s lately since I find it easier for every day. I've been given a 1922 for Christmas and I'm excited to explore 20s fashion, which is very much out of my comfort zone but I'd like to try make a few 20s garments with my 20s Singer. As much as I love the aesthetic, I wouldn't go back in time. I like how I have the option of dressing like without the values at the time. Vintage style not vintage values."


Q) You're associated with the very fab Auld Hollyrood Club - how did that come about and how often do you meet up ?

"I was there from the very beginning. A few of us met in a Pin up picnic in 2018 and started meeting up regularly. At one point we decided that it would be fun to give the group a name. The AHC it's basically a group of good friends that love vintage and enjoy doing things together. Due to Covid we haven't been able to do much lately, but we've been meeting up in smaller groups often. We just love to spend time together and enjoy everything from hikes to dining out. I'm so lucky to have such an amazing group of people in my life, so welcoming and supportive."

Retro & Vintage Life Magazine

Q) What are the differences, do you think, between modern life, how we live now and how people lived in your chosen era ? 

"Values! Without the obvious advances in technology and science, definitely values. Society has change a lot in terms of discrimination, peoples rights and so, my life would be completely different in the 40s-50s, although life was simpler then and better in some ways. Nowadays people have more freedom to be themselves and I think that's important. I would happily go to pre-covid times though."

Irene and vintage lifestyle friends from the Auld Holyrood Club model for Vintage Quine in the quaint wee picturesque village in Culross, Scotland

Be sure to check out Irene's "Half Up Hairstyle Tutorial" Here

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